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🧊 Frosti Introduction

Are you looking for a sleek, stylish, and lightning-fast static blog template? Look no further than Frosti! Frosti is an elegant solution for bloggers who prioritize both aesthetics and performance. Developed using Astro, Frosti offers a seamless and efficient blogging experience.

Key Features:

  • Simplicity: Frosti boasts a minimalist design that puts your content front and center.
  • Speed: With excellent loading times, Frosti ensures that your readers won't be kept waiting.
  • Day/Night Modes: Enjoy reading your favorite blogs in both light and dark modes for enhanced comfort.
  • Component Rich: Frosti comes equipped with a variety of components to enrich your articles and pages.
  • Comment System: Built-in comment system powered by Waline for easy interaction with your readers.
  • Stylish Design: Crafted with Tailwind CSS and daisyUI, Frosti offers visually appealing pages that captivate your audience.

Project Structure:

      ├── astro.config.mjs
      ├── categories.txt
      ├── index.png
      ├── package-lock.json
      ├── package.json
      ├── pnpm-lock.yaml
      ├── public
      |  ├── favicon.svg
      |  ├── fonts
      |  |  └── CascadiaCode.woff2
      |  ├── home.webp
      |  └── profile.webp
      ├── src
      |  ├── components
      |  |  ├── BaseCard.astro
      |  |  ├── BaseHead.astro
      |  |  ├── blog
      |  |  |  ├── error.astro
      |  |  |  ├── info.astro
      |  |  |  ├── success.astro
      |  |  |  └── warning.astro
      |  |  ├── Comment.astro
      |  |  ├── EnvelopeCard.astro
      |  |  ├── Footer.astro
      |  |  ├── FormattedDate.astro
      |  |  ├── Header.astro
      |  |  ├── HeaderLink.astro
      |  |  ├── License.astro
      |  |  ├── page
      |  |  |  ├── FriendCard.astro
      |  |  |  └── TimeLine.astro
      |  |  ├── ProfileCard.astro
      |  |  ├── ProfileCardFooter.astro
      |  |  ├── ProfileCardMenu.astro
      |  |  └── ThemeIcon.astro
      |  ├── consts.ts
      |  ├── content
      |  |  ├── blog
      |  |  |  ├──
      |  |  |  └── using-mdx.mdx
      |  |  └── config.ts
      |  ├── env.d.ts
      |  ├── layouts
      |  |  └── BaseLayout.astro
      |  ├── pages
      |  |  ├── about.astro
      |  |  ├── blog
      |  |  |  ├── tag
      |  |  |  ├── [].astro
      |  |  |  └── [...slug].astro
      |  |  ├── friend.astro
      |  |  ├── index.astro
      |  |  ├── project.astro
      |  |  └── rss.xml.js
      |  ├── scripts
      |  |  └── copybutton.mjs
      |  └── styles
      |     └── global.css
      ├── tailwind.config.js
      ├── tsconfig.json
      └── view.png

How to Use:

Getting started with Frosti is a breeze! Simply use the --template parameter with the create astro command:

npm create astro@latest -- --template EveSunMaple/Frosti

Future Plans:

While Frosti is already an impressive template, the developers have exciting plans for its future development:

  • Table of Contents: Enhance navigation with a table of contents feature.
  • Timeline Component: Add a timeline component for showcasing chronological content.
  • Friends Link Component: Foster community engagement with a friends link component.


Frosti wouldn't be possible without the contributions and inspiration from:

  • Saicaca: Whose insights were instrumental in the creation of this theme.
  • WRXinYue: For invaluable assistance during the early stages of development.

Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, Frosti provides the perfect platform to share your thoughts with the world. Try Frosti today and elevate your blogging experience!